I agree that everything takes hard work.
In order to become qualified and put in the hard work, companies need to support the industry and allow people to find entry level work. It's pretty hard to become a senior developer being self taught without working in real production apps.
I do agree, people should "just start", I'm someone who did that, but I was also fortunate that someone took a risk and provided me an entry level opportunity in their company. That first opportunity allowed me to ability to enter the industry and grow my ability. It did take lots of hard work, but it also took opportunity.
My aim is to help companies shift towards creating more of those opportunities, because it will result in more senior level talent (which is in their best interest). My base assumption, which you might agree or disagree with, is that it's very difficult to become qualified without having real-world experience or ample financial resources.
I also hope to help aspiring/new developers enter the industry.
Hopefully that helps us better understand eachother